Recently, someone misrepresented as an average college coed testified before a completely unofficial Congressional committee (in the US). She expressed outrage that her school's healthcare would not pay the contraception costs for someone like her to have sex four times a day, seven days a week, for three straight years (no breaks, no days off). A national talk-show host has gotten in hot water for suggesting that someone having that much sex just might be a slut.

Well, I recognize the word carries a lot of emotional baggage with it, but if we can put that aside and think purely analytically, how much sex would someone (anyone - male or female) have to have on a daily basis to be classified as a slut?

The only point of reference I have is Gene Simmons, who has characterized himself as a slut in documentary interviews. He's on record as having "slept" with over 5000 women. If we assume he turned "good boy" after hooking up with his wife (yeah, right), that means his prowling days were from 1971 to 1983. That still only puts him at 417 sexual encounters per year, as opposed to the 1389 encounters an "average" Georgetown coed is supposed to be having. Kinda makes you go, "Hmmmm."