Hey folks,

having quite a lot vanilla Marine stuff left from a PH project I'm currently selling, I took the time to paint one of the unconverted Sergeants in my currently favourite Marine scheme- BoLS' very own Star Phantoms from the Badab War Codex. Just for fun. I enjoyed it quite a lot (more than I thought), although I'm not sure what to do with the base.

Now I actually have the urge and materials to go on, although I don't have exactly the time for another project, and didn't want to turn back to 40k so soon. But the urge is there. I could imagine doing a small strike force, maybe to play it, maybe to sell it off... and so on. Really, I don't know yet, but they're fun.

So... What do you think? Would you like to see more of these? Any ideas for chapter-specific elements to include? Or the base? How would you imagine a typical Star Phantom army? Talk to me, people. Every kind of feedback is very much welcome at this stage.
