Lucius - 160
Sorceror with MoS, Familiar, Lash and WoC - 160

Noise Marines x9 - NC, Power Weapon, Doom Siren, Meltabombs, Sonic Blasters x8, Land Raider, EA and DB - 510

CSM x 10 - AC, PW, MB, IoS, Flamer, Rhino, EA, DB - 265
CSM x 10 - AC, PW, MB, IoS, Flamer, Rhino, EA, DB - 265

Chaos Bikers x 7 - AC, PW, MB, IoS, Meltagun x 2 - 306

Chaos Havocs x 9 - AC, PW, PP, Combi-Bolter, MB, IoS, 4x Heavy Bolter or 4x Plasmagun, Rhino, EA, DB - 325

Total = 1996

Plan is Lucuis runs with the Noise Marines in the Land Raider and goes straight for the meanest looking Unit on the field, or the closest. Possibly taking pot shots with the Lascannons on the way. They get out and shoot and Siren them before charging whatever is left.

The two CSM, follow a similar tactic but go for secondary units or objectives. The Bikers go hard and aim for vehicles hiding in back or charging something in consort with one of the other units.

The Sorceror is Lashin units to within range of something to charge or WoC, anything that tries it on the havocs. The havocs run either plasmas or HBs, depending on whether horde or marine armies are opposing. They also have a rhino incase I want to have them contest an objective or help out something else.

With everything at I5 or better, will have to worry less about getting charge due tp me either going first or at the same time depending on enemy. (Eldar might be an issue). What do you guys think?