Alright, the tournament is tomorrow. Here is the final list I have decided to take:

Eldrad 210
Yriel 155
8 Warlocks 366
-Enhance, 2 Embolden, 2 Singing Spears, Wave Serpent w/ TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon and Spirit Stones

5 Fire Dragons 215
-Wave Serpent w/ TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, and Spirit Stones

5 Fire Dragons 215
-Wave Serpent w/ TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, and Spirit Stones

10 Storm Guardians 247
-2 Fusion Guns, Wave Serpent w/ TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon and Spirit Stones

10 Storm Guardians 247
-2 Fusion Guns, Wave Serpent w/ TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon and Spirit Stones

Heavy Support
Fire Prism 115

Fire Prism 115

Fire Prism 115


I did not want to paint any more mech so I decided to run a Seer Council :P they actually took more time to paint than the additional Wave Serpent and Vypers would have, but they were much more fun. And it's a more powerful list imo.

Here's some pics, for completeness:

My Nokia Lumia has this great camera on it that I can only focus half of the time, sorry guys XD

Wish me luck, I'm looking forward to wrecking face tomorrow!