Hola. I'd like some feedback on my Imperial Fists army list. I've got most of it ready to go with some less ideal components pushing it to 1500 points. I plan to get rid of some (land speeder storm - ew) in order to balance and push to 2000. The final list (2000) is what I have here. This list is intended to be fun but moderately competitive with friends. I won't be entering any tournaments (at least not with the intent to win) so there are one or two units I have "for me" because I like them (Vindicator).

Captain w/relic blade and combi-melta (135)
Librarian w/terminator armor and combi-melta (135)

10 Tactical w/flamer and MM in Rhino (205)
10 Tactical w/flamer and MM in Rhino (205)

5 Terminators w/assault cannon (230)
1 Dreadnought w/two TL autocannons (125)
10 Sternguard w/five combi-melta and two lascannons in Rhino (340)

2 Attack Bikes w/heavy bolter (80)
2 Land Speeders w/heavy flamer and MM (140)

2 Predator w/heavy bolter sponsons (170)
1 Vindicator w/siege shield (125)

Now, doing this math, this actually puts me about 110 points shy of the 2K mark and I'd like some advice on what to bring to fill that out. Perhaps sniper scouts for another troop choice? I have a Land Raider Crusader beautifully painted that I'd LIKE to include but there's not much room for it without dropping something else.

The design for this build is to send the tactical squads into midfield in their mobile bunkers. The Librarian will deepstrike with the terminators to provide psychic defense and offense. The attack bikes and land speeders are interference/blocking and perform their assigned role (either tank busting or infantry killing). The predators, vindicator and dreadnought sit backfield and rain hell on anything they can see. The combi-melta sternguard and the captain mount up in the rhino and take the fight to the enemy providing midrange fire support for tactical squads and busting whatever armor that dares to get close enough. The lascannons and remaining sternguard use their rhino as a mobile bunker for sniping enemy armor.

The theory works in my head but its been a while since I played and any advice I can take, I'll get. Much thanks!