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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Grey Knights 1500

    Hey guys, I was hoping I could get some advice on a new Grey Knights army I was wanting to start.
    I've been playing WH40K for a while but have only very recently taken interest in the Grey Knights - I've always thought they were too cheesy an army.

    In any case, this list was designed with friendly games in mind at a local store; it isn't intended to be a tournament-list. However, I still want to run a semi-competitive one that isn't reliant on cheesy tactics to win and can at least face off against anyone looking for a pick-up game.

    Here it is;

    Librarian w/ Halberd, the Shrouding, Might of Titan - 165
    Librarian w/ Halberd, the Shrouding, Might of Titan - 165

    Grey Knight Terminators (5) w/ (1) Daemon Hammer, (4) Halberds, Psycannon, Psybolt - 245
    Grey Knight Terminators (5) w/ (1) Daemon Hammer, (4) Halberds, Psycannon, Psybolt - 245

    Fast Attack
    Stormraven Gunship w/ TL multi-melta - 205
    Stormraven Gunship w/ TL multi-melta - 205

    Heavy Support
    Dreadnought w/ 2x TL autocannon, Psybolt - 135
    Dreadnought w/ 2x TL autocannon, Psybolt - 135

    The main theme behind this list is board control and rapid assault; my entire army is contained within two Stormravens, both of which will always start the game reserved and turbo-boost on. This army obviously has a high risk element to it; if one Stormraven comes on first turn and the other doesn't for at least two turns, my one Stormraven will be the target of some serious firepower. I can see why a Grand Master would work for this list as he would provide that reserve roll bonus and Grand Mastery so that I can potentially drop my Dreadnoughts off on my home objectives after making them scoring. After all, the Shrouding only really helsp whilst I'm turbo-boosting or if I need to jump my terminators into cover; stealth won't help me get cover for a vehicle that large. This list is suppossed to be challenging and yet rewarding at the same time; I rely on my durability, target priority and positioning heavily, a fun alternative to my Thousand Sons and Dark Eldar.

    My own criticism draws heavily around the psybolt ammunition on the terminators; I think it isn't as useful for the style of list I am going for as say a brotherhood banner, but I can't think of anything worth shedding points for. I've considered dropping one Librarian for a Grand Master to help with the reserve rolls; the idea would then be to keep both Stormravens next to each other when they turbo boost, which I feel is likely what I would normally do. I like the insurance of the Librarian though as, even with Psychic Communion there is always a chance the Grand Master's Stormraven can turbo-boost down without Stealth. Also, the Librarian's provide Might of Titan to my terminators so as to not only get significant strength bonuses but also becomes an absolute monster for walkers and tanks - I6 S7 (potentially) with 2 attacks each base and 2D6 armour penetration! I was considering dropping psybolt and maybe the halberds on the Librarians so as to fit in hurricane bolters on my Stormravens which would make them even more devastating against infantry and heavy infantry. An interesting point that was made to me was to exchange one of the autocannons on each dreadnought for an assault cannon. Considering my store only has small boards, I think it would be more useful considering they get dropped off after moving flat-out onto the board from reserve. Having what is essentially a psycannon would probably help more against vehicles such as Land Raiders and Monoliths too.

    Any criticism and thoughts are appreciated. Cheers.
    Last edited by Learn2Eel; 06-20-2012 at 04:35 AM.

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