First I would to preface this that this is a testimony of sorts so it will get long winded. I am sorry in advance for those that feel that I shouldn't be sharing this here. Second this will a first of I don't know how many posts on this.
I started Warhammer with my son in 2002 as a way to get close to him and to help him and I find new friends after a move. Fantasy was the big thing in our town so we started there. I fell in love almost instantly and so did my son. We had great times modeling, painting and gaming. We had such a great time that other s in our family joined too but only for short times. The most fun we had was sitting and imagining new armies. In 2004 we both started 40K and had even more fun. I excelled (in our group) in modeling(converting) and my son excelled in painting and gaming.
That all stopped four years ago I had an extreme tragedy and stopped doing anything except looking at the GW website and BOLS and reading Black Library books. While looking at BOLS I happened to see an aspiring young hobbyist that reminded me of my son and I when we first started. I contacted her and her enthusiasm and compassion literally blew me away. I started really looking at Warhammer and even bought the new Dark Eldar because they spiked my interest. I started building them and painted them for a tournament and even went to said tournament. I had a great time! I had missed this so much that I even found myself getting misty eyed. When I got home I decided to do a Fantasy army to commemorate my new beginning.
I had a Chaos army that I had wanted (still in the boxes) for my birthday that I received just before the tragedy occurred, but I didn’t like the new rules for it. Then while I was in my local hobby shop I picked up the Vampire Counts rule book(2008). I realized I had found my army. I wanted to use what miniatures I had (I.e. Chaos) but still have them count as Vampire Counts. I started making zombies out of Marauders, Chaos Warriors and old Tomb Kings bitz from an old army.I will try to up load pictures but I am having a hard time so be patient.