Caveat: Okay, some of this will inevitably be rehash, but I ask people who think I'm just reposting to pay attention to the details, because there are some fine details that I saw in this info that I haven't seen elsewhere.

First off, there is no psyker phase. I'm assuming (this sentence is unsubstantiated supposition) that certain powers will be shooting phase, movement phase, etc. Whether you can snapshot or defensive fire a psychic shooting power is still unknown, but if so, then multi-power-per-turn psykers might hold back a power or two when they reach the front lines or when they think they've got a hurting inbound during the off phases.

Most vehicles are 3-4 hull points. Random discovery is that it's front+side+rear divided by three and rounded down that generates what a given vehicles hull points are, but that's strictly conjecture that fit facts when tested on known hull point scores, and not anything definite. No word on what techmarines/ironpriests/enginseers and the like's repair rolls have to do with hull points, if anything, but I'd think that if GW wanted to start making such (usually) elite and under-represented options viable, they'd allow for something along the lines of letting such a unit repair a hull point on a roll each turn. That, again, is merely me spitballing; it may be that such units are there to fix penetrating hits.

AP- is no longer -1 on the vehicle damage table. There's still a +1 for open-topped, or so I'm hearing.

Overwatch/defensive fire can only be done once per turn. I'm also hearing that it can only be done once per turn on one unit, but I'm uncertain if that's lines getting crossed and it actually being once per turn per unit, instead of per player side. In the once per turn per unit standpoint, this actually provides a balance to the loss of +1 attack for charging multiple units by charging a unit with multiple units. In a once per turn per player side situation, it actually makes this a one-shot-per-turn trump card, and not an every-charge-you-should-consider-this type thing. Again, ambiguous here. I am hearing that if you charge multiple units, you might be vulnerable to multiple overwatches, though, so that disagrees with the once per turn per side idea. Unlike the stand-and-shoot rule, no pinning, no morale checks.

Pile-in is three inches at the model's initiative step (so, when he can strike, he piles in first, then strikes). If a unit cannot hurt the unit it's in melee with, it can choose to fail morale check and fall back. So, guardsmen battling a T10 critter or somesuch can choose to back off and flashlight the guy, if they can regroup.

Pistols aren't any sexier than they were in 5th. That's pretty much all I know, and how it was conveyed. No further info.

Power swords and lightning claws are STR-grade with AP 3. Power Axes are STR+1 with some sort of initiative penalty. No further firm info here, but I'm guessing a -1 I on the axes. No idea how this effects glaives encarmine, frost weapons, rune weapons, relic blades, etc, etc--we may have to wait on the rulebook to hit the streets to know for sure, since everyone's freaking out about fliers and allies and not focusing on anything else. Fists, chainfists are as they were, though the USR "unwieldy" covers the reduced to I 1 thing now. Thammers get "concussive" USR, but are basically unchanged.

One thrown grenade per squad per phase, so we don't go back to grenade-hammer of previous edition, where bolters were strictly cosmetic. So far, no word on grenades other than frag/krak, but range is apparently 8". No word on deviation of the toss, nor on any changes to grenade launchers (main weapon or auxiliary over-under) as a result of this change (one would think that if you can chuck a grenade now, the launchers might see an uptick in accuracy).

Casualties removed from front rank in melee, as it is in shooting.

Shooting squads partially in cover and partially out in the open, you have a choice to shoot the guys not in cover, but then wounds will only be applied to those guys.

Crashed fliers use large blast marker, deviates 2d6 inches. STR 6 AP- hit on anyone under the blast marker wherever it lands, and (as widely rumored) any transported troops take a S10 hit with no save. Survivors placed within 3" of wreckage. If they can't be placed within that space, they're casualties.

That's what I've got for right now from my sources. I'm not sure if it's all perfect, but wanted to add it to the mix, as it's starting to look like defensive fire isn't as bad for CC armies, there's a little more detail on some other things, and after reading all this, as a SW player, I felt a little better about the rule set as a whole.