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    Default Dark Eldar in 6th

    I've written a few times that I think DE are going to be hit hard by 6th until they get a FAQ, reading the rules again and seeing what some other people are saying on other forums I may have been too hasty. So I've written out a few thoughts below:

    Flickerfields: with all skimmers getting the 5+ cover save Jink rule, FF seem to be useless. But you need to move to get jink, FF gives you a save if stationary. Could be handy for keeping an immobilised raider alive and denying kill points? It also still provides save agaisnt CC attacks and templates. FF are useful on flyers though, 5+ save against skyfire shots.

    Raiders can now move 12" and fire their Dark Lance at full BS, not sure they could move more than 6" and shoot before? Trying to forget 5th, doing a good job so far. You can't disembark if a vehicle moves over 6" now, but you can move 6" after you disembark so our charge range is much the same. Our raiders can move 12", shoot their dark lance AND troops inside can snap fire and BS1. Give them a splinter rack and you can re-roll misses. This gives us a bit more damge output while increasing our mobility.

    Nightshields: With premeasuring these can be used much more precisely.

    FNP: as gone a 1/2 chance of ignoing a wound to 1/3, a big blow BUT it now works against AP1/2 weapons so our troops are much more durable against certain armies abundant with such weapons (GK)

    Wyches: Wyches are problematic. With overwatch they will suffer casualties against most shooting BUT with the changes to defensive grenades giving them a PGL and charging from behind cover could give them a decent cover save (defensive grenades grant stealth to a unit if it is shot at by another unit with 8"). With the boost to haywire granades and the ease of striking vehicles these girls can now pop vehicles and dreadnoughts much more easily and still perhaps weather overwatch fire with a bit of luck. Still hoping the FAQ boosts them a bit but they may not be as useless as I thought.

    Incubi are now just AP3, unless klaives get FAQed. Still great and likely to weather overwatch fire well, but expensive for a unit that can no longer go toe to toe with terminators.

    Flyers: Our two flyers are pretty great now, only being hit on 6s apart from the quite rare skyfire ability. They can only fire two missiles a turn, though. Now that the voidraven has to move and can weather great volumes of fire while dropping its void mine actually makes said mine useful.

    The Talos is still a beast, perhaps more so with the boost to monstrous creatures.

    That's all I can think of at the moment, still a bit of a mixeed back but perhaps not quite as negative as intially suspected.

    Edit: Beasts are still very fast and can assault through difficult terrain. Khymerae packs will be quite powerful against overwatch fire, keep them in the front to absorb wounds, pile in with the rest later.

    Webway portals really seem useless now, unless FAQed to allow units to assault out of them. If so Wyches become useful again, take squads if 15 through a WWP for some more ablative wounds.
    Last edited by eldargal; 06-29-2012 at 06:40 AM.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

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