"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine." Well, here's the start to my Imperial Fists force. Nothing really special about it, but this one is mine:

I was kicking around the idea of painting up some Imperial Fists when the Games Day 2012 miniature was unveiled. I think it's a great mini, and I like the old school color scheme...a lot more variation than how the Blood Angels are typically depicted. True, he's a captain and that's why he has more flair, but when looking at that old 2nd Ed. art I noticed some of the troops were different too. Not every little part of their armor was red.


Anyways, I wanted to apply some of that aesthetic to my Imperial Fists. I've always liked the black trim of the 5th Company, which meshes well with the black and white quartered markings found in the Insignium Astartes. Here are my first few tests and the beginning of my IF force:

