Fist question is about the 3" pile in. So the rule says that at each models I step they do a 3" pile in if they are not in B2B with a model SO my question is this (and it happened and we could not find a answer) Do the models charging get ANOTHER move at there I step? I looks like they would but I could have just missed it. Here is what I mean.

- I have 10 fenrisian wolves charge 10 necron warriors
- 5 get into B2B and 5 do not
- First I step is I4 (the wolves) They do a 3" pile in if they are NOT in B2B
- They attack
- The next I step is I2 (The warriors) any that are not in B2B do there 3" move and attack


- I have 10 fenrisian wolves charge 10 necron warriors
- 5 get into B2B and 5 do not
- First I step is I4 (the wolves) the wolves stay put
- They attack
- The next I step is I2 (The warriors) any that are not in B2B do there 3" move and attack

SECONDS QUESTION: I am unable to find out if IC have to be in B2B anymore to get there attacks in close combat or if they just follow the rules for everyone else and have to be 2" of someone in B2B. thnx