I'm building a 1000 point list for a 2v2 game that I'm going to be playing this weekend. We'll be drawing for partners at the game.

My friends' armies are Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, and Tyranids.

So, here's my first pass - I need to add more points, but I wanted some advice on how it was looking first.

Wolf Lord (150pts): Power Armour, 2x Wolf Claw, Wolftooth Necklace

Wolf Guard Pack (Troops) (113pts)
Wolf Guard: Frost Blade, Power Armour, Storm Bolter
Wolf Guard: Power Armour, Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
Wolf Guard: Power Armour, Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw

Grey Hunters Pack (230pts)
9x Grey Hunters: Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard

Grey Hunters Pack (155pts)
5x Grey Hunters: Mark of the Wulfen, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard
Razorback: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

Thunderwolf Cavalry (160pts)
Thunderwolf Cavalry: Storm Shield
Thunderwolf Cavalry: Storm Shield

Long Fangs Pack (145pts)
4x Long Fangs: 2x Lascannon; 2x Missile Launcher
Squad Leader: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

Total: 953 pts

I have 20x Wolves unassembled, so it's easy to add more GH to the list. I also have 5x Wolf Scouts (Bolt Pistols/CC Weapons/Mark of the Wulfen, 90 pts); 1x Wolf Guard (Wolf Claw/Storm Bolter/Power Armor, 36pts), 1x Thunderwolf Calvary (Storm Shield/Thunderhammer, 110 pts) that are assembled and ready to go. The Rhino can be converted to a Razorback (and the Razorback to a Rhino) and I can add Lascannons to either. I also have a Drop Pod with Storm Bolter available.

I'm not adverse to buying something new if I have a good reason to.

So, help a guy out, please!