Title says it all: I was kind of appalled at the prices of orgryns and the somewhat bad look they have and was wondering if there were any good replacements. I looked at [URL="http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Mantic-Plastic-Forge-Fathers.jpg"]mantic forge fathers[/URL] and they'd fit the bill pretty well with a bit of conversion work so I'm kind of leaning that way but still want to have some other opinions.

I'm looking for:

  • Burly and big
  • Humanoid
  • Large weapons that could pass for shotguns
  • Mostly angular armour
  • Possibly robotic


I can cut, pin and work somewhat well with plastic but I can't greenstuff so the models shouldn't require sculpting.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Also here's a image of an orgryn for no reason other than to make this otherwise bland post pop a bit.