Hello all I am new to the Warmachine game and I have picked Khador as my army of choice . I chose these models because I like the look alot, not just because they are the best or what have you. I have also been doing some research to try to make this list optimal, because no one likes loosing all the time, lol. Anyways here it is.

Karchev the Terrible



Beast 09

War Dog

Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

Winter Guard Infantry(just leader+5)
Winter Guard Infantry Officer and Standard Bearer
Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeerx2

Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor

The War Dog is obviously on Karchev, who should be able to keep up even with the running/tow hi-jinks. I plan on screening with Kodiak's steam after I have Karchev run out and fling all 3 jacks into place. I'm hoping this will keep all my 'jacks safe untill next turn, so I can start using Sidearms to keep them from being knocked down and to increase the crappy defence they all sport. I plan on keeping Jozef with the WG (duh) and take pot shots at what needs to be softened up. Orin looks to good to pass up, I just don't really know how to utilize him efficiently. Any tips, constructive criticism, or better strategy's would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Also looking at the Tier 4 effect, since those 'jacks are in Karchev's battlegroup, they all cost one less. Unless I am reading it wrong does that mean I have 3 more points to use on some something else?