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  1. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Phalanx


    It's gone past the $155k mark and so they have unveiled the $185k stretch goal rewards, as there's a couple to choose from:

    The first set is a basic colors set, perfect for beginners or intermediate painters who want more of the popular colors. To receive this reward, increase your pledge by only $18 (MSRP $39.48). That's only $1.50 a bottle! Grow your paint collection, or start a new one with these amazingly high-quality paints.

    The second set is 12 Undead-themed colors of master Series Paint created expressly for this Kickstarter. Add these to your reward by increasing your pledge by only $18 (MSRP $39.48). That's only $1.50 a bottle!
    Apparently these will be available to retailers after the pledge rewards are sent out, so no danger of running out of a limited edition paint half way through a set of figures.

    And did we mention that this reward is open to Pledges of all levels? No matter what level you pledged – if you add $18, we'll include this set of paint!
    Pretty cool and I'm really hating that I have no money to back this (being unemployed really sucks!), cos damn this is a Kickstarter I'd love to be in on.
    Last edited by Brakkart; 07-31-2012 at 10:46 PM.
    Either there is life in the universe more intelligent than us, or we are the most intelligent form of life in the universe. Either way, it's a worrying thought!

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