Hi guys, Long time reader and fan of the BOLS articles and forums, but a very rare poster tbh.....

My mate has decided that toys aren't suitable for grown men (at the grand old age of 38), so he decided to sell his Sapce Wolves army. Although it's a relatively small force (1500 odd) and a bit of a 4th ed army list, I decided to buy the army because the majority is really nicely painted. Despite the fact I hate SMurfs.... besides, the 'mate's rates' of £100 for the majority was too good to turn down.

Anyway, I've had a few games with them, and have stuck to mostly playing 2 squads of GH's with 2 meltas, a pack of blood claws (even if they're a bit crap in 5th/6th), swiftclaw biker pack (which may get dropped soon shnazzle frazzle), Land Raider, Speeder, Dreadie (Las or AC, dependant on loadout) and a squad of WG.It's taking some getting used to as I'm a Necron and Eldar player by 'trade', but the real thing that's surprising me is the insistence of people on the forums to go for Rune Priests.

I've always been gonig for Wolf Lords because of the increased stats..... why do people tend to lean towards the Rune Priests.....? Are the psychics THAT good?

Forgive my ignorance here if this is obvious, as I'm relatively new to my Space Pups and tend to play in restricted circles to avoid WAAC gamers.... any friendly advice would be appreciated.