Now, as a matter of course in designing lists, occasionally come upon a case where my deliberations hit a major snag, and I'm forced to consider two rather strong choices in a vacuum.

In this case, I'm looking at the so often maligned Hydra Flak Tank versus a Heavy Weapon Squad armed with Autocannons.

A Hydra is 4 S7 TL shots at a 4+ vs Flyers and Skimmers and a 6+ versus other targets (ignoring Jink saves). A very strong choice versus flyers which have come into their own in the local meta. Alternatively, the HW Squad has 6 S7 TL shots at a 4+ versus all non-flying targets (including Skimmers), and 6's versus Skimmers.

So I come to you community. Which choice do you find the most viable for a competitive list? Personally, I'm leaning towards the inclusion of two HWS and 1 Hydra, but I'd like some input and arguments. For reference, let's assume a list making the decision between these two already included an Aegis Line (to take that out of the equation).