HQ (205 pts, 14%)
1 x Succubus (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)

2 x Haemonculi (2 X Venom Blades, 2 Liquifier Guns)

Elite (183 pts, 12%)
4 x Trueborn ( 2 x Dark Lance, 2 x Splinter Cannons)
1 x Venom ( 1 x Extra Splinter Cannon)

Troops (548 pts, 37%)
6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)

6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

Fast Attack (264 pts, 18%)
3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)

3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)

4 x Scourges (2 x Haywire Blasters)

Heavy Support (300 pts, 20%)
1 x Razorwing Jetfighter (2 x Disentegrator Cannons, 1 x Splinter Cannon, 2 x Shatterfield Missiles, Flickerfield)

1 x Ravager (3 x Disentegrator Cannons, Night Shield, Flickerfield)

Total: 1500

This list is classic DE: Razorthin margins, timing is critical, and it needs a little touch of luck. My kind of army.

Considering dropping the Scourges and a unit of Reavers for an Aegis and a Quad gun. Haven't used the Quad yet, but as is, this army would just have to ignore fliers.

It's important to avoid dedicated CC at all cost until their unit numbers are whittled down enough that a good charge will probably win.

May not be the most competitive, but man it's a fun one.