Just having a browse on the BBC website, when I found this article.


I have been hoping this might happen for some time. For the work blocked, it's discussing public support for a UK food stamps type thing for those living on benefits.

Now, word of warning, the article itself isn't great, presenting as it does fairly polarised opinions.

But, I do like the principal of this. The card could, would and in my opinion SHOULD prevent the purchase of luxuries. Tobacco, Alcohol, Gambling, all luxuries. You want them, go earn them. You shouldn't be getting them from the state, as you simply do not need them to survive. And it annoys me when (slightly hyperbolic I know) you see people on benefits with the latest DVDs, or worse Bluray films. Simply put, I do not believe that benefits should provide that sort of disposable income.

However, that would have to come at a price. For instance, state funded childcare should be reintroduced. The costs of childcare mean for many on benefits, finding work just doesn't pay. That is a truly ludicrous situation. When I was a nipper (1983 to be precise) I went to Nursery, right up until I started school. Not only did it mean Mumsie Mystery could get a part time job (adding an income to Daddykins Mystery's full time wage) but it meant I was already learning. Surely, perhaps even clearly, that is a win/win situation? Even if the parents don't get a job, the kid is getting an early education, and socialising with other kids.

Why we don't have this is a mystery to me. When you have a job, spend your cash on whatever you like, that's your right. But when for whatever reason you find yourself dependant on state aid, don't expect a particularly glamorous standard of living!

As an addition and to encourage people into work, offer state provided job roles whereby you can earn some luxuries money. Offer the minimum wage equivalent. Jobs can range from gardening public areas to assisting with childcare (CRB's allowing of course).

What is I feel beyond refute is that the current system needs an overhaul!