Has anyone noticed that the Furioso Librarian gets a 'Force Weapon'?

This opens up modeling, and tactical, considerations! The model comes with what looks like a 'halberd', which would be considered an 'axe'. Str+1 (Str7) AP2, Unwieldy, Force.

However, that doesn't mean you couldn't model:
a sword. str 6 AP3
or a Staff... a really big staff... Str +2 (Str8) AP4, Concussive, Force

You do have the other arm as a Bloodfist, Str x2 (Str10) AP2, with storm bolter.

The nice thing about the staff is that you get to maintain very high strength, which is good for whacking other vehicles, if you lose the Bloodfist. The axe comes close, too, especially if you get furious charge. However, switching to I1 is not so great!