I was'nt quite sure where to post this to get the best/most feedback, so I'm posting here, please move it if somewhere else would be better!

I've been running my own little miniature business for the past few months, dealing almost exclusively in bits which I've sculpted to go alongside my own hobby projects, but I've recently been working with someone else to bring out a 28mm heroicly scaled bike for non-super human figures.

This is getting to the stage now were its almost time to think about taking it to the printers, and then the casters, but before that I'm after some feedback on the design.

All offerings appreciated!

The mirrors may or may not make the final cut, depending on if we can do them justice in casting, to make them viable this may become a combination resin/metal kit with the handbars in metal the rest in resin.

Also the saddle is being adjusted to be a little narrower.

There is optional stowage which is'nt shown in this picture, but it is still included, just they are seperate components for flexibility.