I finally got my hands on a copy of the new book, Campaign Paradiso, and spent some time taking in the new missions and Xp system. I'm still getting through it so my thoughts so far...

Infinity Campaign System
It's very flexible, in that you can take what you want from the book and it will work. Or combine it into one seriously fluffy campaign, if you you so wish. It gives you everything you need and options to tweak it. You can play one chapter in a day with what ever forces you want, or play over several weeks with fluffy narrative armies. There are 16 missions total in the book, and split into 4 chapters for narrative play if you go that route.

The missions are super cool and can't wait to try them out. Love the way they can be played in different 'modes' and it accommodates each one. If it's a pick up game it gives you options to tweak army lists, or if its part of an ongoing campaign there are different parameters. They flavor from hi jacking mag lev trains, investigating ancient ruins, raiding space stations, stealing alien tech etc. With some cool rules that give a massive depth to games.

The Spec Ops and general Xp system look great, very flexible for multiple campaigns. You gain Xp from mission objectives and can spend it either on army wide buffs or tooling up an individual Spec Ops. You get various bonuses to Xp for taking certain units and performing objectives in a certain way during missions. Over the course of a few games armies will be very unique, with some powerful combinations possible.

Fluff, Artwork, Tohaa (new race) and the new rules all look fantastic. The book as a whole just adds so much more depth to the game. Superb stuff.

If you have been thinking about getting into Infinity now is the perfect time, this book tops off an awesome game mechanic with experience advancement and genius missions.