Just a fun, experimental little list. It would take me a long, long time to collect the models for this, and I'm not that interested in Sisters of Battle in general, but nevertheless I'm curious what you think about it. That said, there's a chance that I might actually build this list some day, since it involves diluting my Blood Angels with an army I'm at least a little interested in (rather than, say, the Imperial Guard...) while still giving me the cheap and effective scoring bodies that let me use my Blood Angels as a primarily drop force.

• Recluisarch w/Jump Pack
• Librarian w/Jump Pack

• Sanguinary Priest w/Jump Pack, Power Weapon

• 10 Assault Marines w/Jump Packs (2 Plasma Guns), Power Fist Sergeant
• 10 Death Company w/Jump Packs (1 Power Fist, 2 Hand Flamers)

• Canoness w/Power Weapon, Rosarius
° Command Squad (1 Heavy Flamer, 2 Meltaguns)
° Immolator w/Dozer Blade, Extra Armor, Multi-Meltas

• 10 Battle Sisters (2 Meltaguns, Simulacrum Imperialis)
° Rhino w/Dozer Blade
• 10 Battle Sisters (2 Meltaguns, Simulacrum Imperialis)
° Rhino w/Dozer Blade

Heavy Support
• Penitent Engine

The reclusiarch leads the death company while the librarian and sanguinary priest hang out with the assault squad.

Turn one, all the Sisters or on the table. They rush towards the enemy, popping smoke and, when possible, hugging terrain. Turn two, the Blood Angels drop - between Descent of Angels and the new reserves rules, I can be pretty confident that they will drop - and that's when the slaughter begins.

The Sisters of Battle will be the anvil to the Blood Angels' hammer. The black armor of the Sisters and the red of the Blood Angels will be equally flecked with gore. The Sisters will bring the faith and, well, most of the fire, too. There will be no sanctuary for my enemies, certainly not one hundred and one of them.


Got a little carried away there.

Anyway, this looks like it would be a fun list to play very, very aggressively, but it still has the capacity to take and hold objectives.