My board has been transported between 5 or so places of residence, used as a bedside table and a multitude of other sins. The case is certainly strong enough for regular use, though you may want to consider a more secure container for the clips. The first layer of paint did chip off a little, particularly on the raised edges of the hills, but nothing too dramatic. Part of that was, I think, because it was hastilly applied and didn't have any undercoat at all. A matte varnish (probably with gloss over the lava/swamp in your/my case) is probably a good call and/or some kind of protective layer of bubble wrap or cloth would also help. On other people's and shops' boards, the main dammage I have seen has been from use, particularly where people just push their models or drop heavy ones, so I'd guess varnish is the best solution there.

As for me... Well, I don't have space for a permenant set-up, so they will be sitting in the case a lot of the time. Whether I'll be taking them out of the house; dunno yet. Will see how much other people want to play on them how often. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to taking it with me to a game (having to drive to pretty much any game anyway) so we shall see.