Hi MUMBLES -- it looks like a tough list, but you are depending pretty heavily on one tactic. With a few changes, you could have a lot more flexibility (which would give you more options).

1. Abaddon is a brute, but most of the Chaos special characters will be just as effective at killing everyone they can reach. Even at 2500pts, I have a hard time taking him and would rather save 100pts to take Lucius, Kharn or Huron.

2. I'm not sure how you are going to use the Lash Sorceror. Stuff him in a Rhino? I'm just not sure how useful he's going to be.

3. I'm in the "I don't like Chaos Dreadnoughts" camp. They are just too unreliable for a big game, although I think the all-walker list might be fun (just not at Ard Boyz). I'd rather see those points spend on Terminators and Chaos Icons.

4. Why no Skull Champion for the Khorne Berzerkers? I think you could use a Power Weapon in these units.

5. At 2500pts, I'd definitely have Aspiriting Champions with Power Fists in those Rhinos.

6. The bikes seem a bit out of place (and pretty easy kill points for your opponent). Maybe if you talked about how you used them, it would help.

Let us know what you settle on and how you do in the next round! Good luck!

-- MKerr