I've been playing for far too long and have amassed probably too many miniatures, but in this year I have decieded to eschew my usual plan of collect twice as much as I paint and actually get on and do something I have been meaning to do for years.

I am going to strip, and re-paint a full company of Blood Angels.
The plan is to try and do it at the rate of about 1 squad per month, which isn't a lot but should be at a rate that I can handle with juggling other competing demands.

Company Composition

Like any Index Astartes adherent chapter the 3rd company consists of:

6 Tactical Squads
2 Assault Squads
2 Devastator Squads

They also have 4 Dreadnoughts attached to them

Colour Scheme

Over the years Blood Angels have had a number of different colour schemes but I am planing on doing a red and black theme similiar to this:

Instead of using Roman Numerals for squad numbers they instead use symbols on their right knee pads:

There has been some discussion as to what symbol would adorn their right should pad. Index Astartes would have us believe that this should be the squad designator, and indeed this has been shown on some artwork. But I feel this is a little tautological as the helm colour defines what the squad type is.

Red - Tactical
Yellow - Assault
Blue - Devastator
Gold - Honour Guard

Instead I shall use the right pad to distinguish which company they belong to as follows:

So being the 3rd Company they will have a white blood drops.

I shall be adding my progress as I go along with before, during and after photographs.

January's Project - Stripping the Mini