So I have recently come up with a strange idea. See, I often play games of many sizes, from 1500, to 2000, to 4000.

Im finding with the new codex, that I dont want to go through and work out every single list type for every points level, so I have had an idea.

From now on, I am going to build my armies in "bits" of 500 points each. That way, at any points level I will be ok.

Thinking on it, I feel like every "bit" should include:

1 HQ, 1 Wolf Guard, 1 Troop, and anything else (Heavy or FA, etc)

There are a few reasons for this.

1) 1 HQ per 500 points makes sense for the wolves, we get max 4 in 1500-2000 points games... over that my group uses apoc so there is no more FOC.

2) 1 WG per 500 points means even at 1500 points I always have the minimum 3 required by the codex.

3) 1 Troop per 500 points always gives me enough scoring units for my games.

I will post some "bits" as I finish them.... but what does everyone think of the idea itself?