This is a long shot, but I'm going to go for it.

Ladies and gentlemen of BoLS, Battlefleet Gothic is an awesome and awe-inspiring game. It is balanced in a way that the rest of the 40k universe can only dream of - not perfect, but close to it. Gameplay is challenging, but intuitive, and includes an element of command and control that really brings you into the action. Unlike most other specialist games, Battlefleet Gothic is entirely playable with products Games Workshop still carries, and has a thriving community that is in the process of creating a revised edition of the rules.

Most importantly, it's incredibly cheap. You can play 1k games with $50 to $60 worth of minis, especially if you troll eBay for deals.

There are many reasons that you - yes, you - should be playing Battlefleet Gothic. In the interests of evangelizing this incredible game, I have started this thread to be a central clearinghouse for all questions. If you are curious about Battlefleet Gothic, post your question here and I - and, perhaps, other BFG fans lurking on BoLS - will do our best to answer it.