I was talking to Jervis at Games Day UK last month and he pretty much confirmed that necrons are getting a new codex, maybe during the middle of 2010. This got me and my mates debating just what should be in the new codex. Going through the fluff of the hobby, there isnt too much when it comes to units we havent seen or heard of before. One mate was telling me there is a metal worm thing in a Soul Drinkers novel. Ive yet to read it, but that would be a possible new edition to the necron forces. Personally i believe the necrons need a lighter tank option, better Pariahs (maybe as a troops choice), rending for flayed ones (why not eh), and tomb spyders that enhance your army. I think they could really go to town on the spyders and give them loads of quality options and new rules, if they do this, spyders should be crap in combat though. What do you lot out there think? I aint a necron player, but believe there is alot they can do with the codex when it comes out.