Hey all I would like some help with some list adjustments/building as I’m yet to get any better then being massacred at the moment (3 games, 3 total defeats). So far only the sorcerer has proven his worth (and I’m really liking the Tzeentch Lore) as well as hellcannons (from an older list, while they did do damage, they didn’t synergise with the rest of the army). Mauraders on the otherhand have been the biggest waste of money and points, doing nothing but dying in droves or panicking my army. Also dropped the unit champions as they weren’t being as helpful as I hoped.

This is my second list with feedback from friends and opponents who either played or watched the battle (I’m the only warrior chaos player along with a beastman and daemon players).

Lvl 4 sorcerer lord with Mark of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Charmed shield, talisman of preservation, Chaos Familiar and Disc of Tzeentch. – 400

BSB with Mark of Tzeentch, Ironcurse Icon, Talisman of Endurance, Biting Blade, Enchanted shield, Soul Feeder – 205

5x3 Chaos Warriors 15 inc Musician + Standard with Mark of Tzeentch, Hand weapons and shields. – 275

5x3 Chaos Warriors 15 inc Musician + Standard with Mark of Tzeentch, Hand weapons and shields. - 275

5 warhounds with poison – 35

5 warhounds with poison - 35

5 Marauder horsemen. – 70

5 Marauder horsemen. - 70

6x3 Chosen of Tzeentch, 17 inc Command with Mark of Tzeentch, Halberds and shields, Standard of Discipline. 470

3x2 6 inc command Chaos Ogres with great weapons. 276

3x2 6 inc command Chaos Ogres with great weapons. 276

TOTAL - 2387

The BSB is to go with the chosen flanked by the warrior blocks with ogres bringing up the rear. A warhound unit on either side to intercept any enemy chaff/ vanguards while the horsemen try to aggro units into charge range for the infantry blocks. The sorcerer is to fly around unleashing tzeentchy death.

I had a game with this list today and though I lost it was only a minor victory for my opponent (beastmen). the chosen were unable to do anything worth mentioning as they got targeted by a bunch of beast lore debuffs and died to a uber-buffed bestigor unit with a bsb (my bsb died in a challenge as the unit champ died before they got into combat). my sorcerer lord took a flank down by himself and slaughtered 2 of 3 shamans as well as a unit of 50 gors earning back more then just his points!

and I love the Lore of Tzeentch, it completely dominated his army and managed to glean a lot of his magic away.