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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    Caitsidhe you pop up in every thread doing everything you can to slag off GW without having the faintest idea what you are talking about, it is really quite tiresome. I suggest you go and actually learn about copyright law first, and actually look into what is going on before continuing to talk nonsense.
    Agreed. It's really tiresome. How's the weather up on that "Games Workshop is the devil" cloud?
    Maybe for once, it would be nice to stop hating on GW, and wishing them ill, and actuall consider what they have done for the wargaming industry, and just say bloody 'thank you'?

    With regards to copyrights, it does seem to me (with only cursory experience or knowledge in the matter) that EU and US work like this:

    US - as long as it's not a direct re-mold of the original, you're free to get rich off of the backs of others.

    EU - You cannot produce something that, despite a few minor changes, looks overall similar or indentical to an existing product.

    One's a bit draconian, one's a bit capitalistic.

    I think GW are right on the money in this case. The Mutant Kommodo copies every major detail of a copyrighted image, and just happens to be a lizardy thing.

    GW are right on the money with CHS as well.
    Last edited by pauljc; 04-19-2013 at 02:57 AM.

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