Now we have talked about the new Eldar Wraithknight and the cost of the new rebox Dire Avengers.

But what about the Eldar Guardians?

I have seen that there is suppose to be some new "Rending" type rule for the Shuriken Catapults so that on any "6" there is no armor save.

But will they get a range increase? Not likely I believe.

Because if they still have only a 12 inch range they will still have the worst Infantry weapon in the game.

Dire Avengers got a 6" increase back in 5th Edition for one reason - no one was using them because having 6-10 Eldar with a 12 inch range weapon was not a unit you wanted on the table.

So they got a range increase in for their weapons. Guardians didn't and they sucked and very few gamers actually used them & if they did it was only to have that heavy weapon platform.

GW nerfed the Shuriken Catapult many, many years ago because it was a Marine killer. It was strength 4 and had a -2 armor save and Marines were dying in droves.

So what did GW do they cut the range in half to just 12 inches gave the Marines a 3+ save while it only was an AP 5 weapon. So Marines were now safe from it.

Oh and at the same time they changed the movement to 6 inches and assault was another 6 inches. Results Guardians disappeared from nearly every single Eldar army and Eldar players went over to Mech Eldar.

Because their once powerful Guardian & Aspect armies became useless.

So will Guardians be a viable Troop choice or will they continue to be crap?

I am thinking that they will still not be worth taking, due to them having a crap weapon and with the Force Composition Chart putting a limit on just how many troops choices you can have in your army (max of 6).