So basically, I am trying to figure out how DE have a chance against TAU.
I haven't played a match yet but maybe some of you have.
It just seems to me that there is little chance of DE getting across the board against the amount of S5 and 7 shots that Tau will be throwing at them, and once their, assaulting is suicidal with our normal assault troops (wyches). It might be slightly better with incubi.

I generally play a DE raider army, meaning the majority of my army is in raiders with ravagers for heavy support. If I don't go first I think I can expect every raider to be wreckage on turn 1 unless I have some good blocking terrain to hide behind. Going first of course gives an advantage, but the Tau are pretty good at ignore cover saves to shoot down the raiders either way.

A DE gunline might be able to have a shoot out with Tau, taking lots of splinter cannons, not really how I like to play though. If i wanted a gun line I'd play Tau =)

Anyway, mostly just looking for thoughts from other DE players or experiences if you have face Tau yet.