A'ight then:

Farseer with Singing Spear

10 Dire Avengers & Exarch with power weapon and shimmershield
Wave Serpent with TL starcannon

10 Dire Avengers & Exarch with power weapon and shimmershield
Wave Serpent with TL bright lance

Crimson Hunter Exarch

Fire Prism w Crystal Targetting Matrix


The list is really just to test a few things in the book, not really looking for deep synergy and whatnot yet.

I'm not certain I'll be facing a flyer at this level so I'm hoping between the fire prism, Crimson Hunter, bright lance and singing spear to have enough anti-armour. One lot of Dire Avengers will zoom about shooting at stuff but with the intention of taking/holding my objective, the other will advance with Farseer and shoot stuff with the goal of taking the enemy objective. Fire Prism Flat Out snipes stuff with its lovely cover save. Tempted to drop the second power weapon and shimmershield from the defensive Dire Avengers to buy the prism a holofield. Might change that before the game.