8....9....10. Ok, so heres the story. a friend called me yesterday. needed some help moving stuff. i left the apartment and was gone 45 mins. on my return, to my horror, i found my assault termis (5) of them, in bits on the floor. they, (termis), were about 80 percent complete. my puppy had pulled them off my workstation and proceeded to EAT THEM! some parts were left. a pair of legs here, a set of lighting claws there....etc. all i could think of was $50.00! the *^%$# dog just ate $50.00 dollars of my stuff! there is no saving that poor assault sq. my girlfriend has convinced me to keep the dog, "get over it", and move on. well, i guess she is right....read as if she is wrong i sleep in the living room....again. so whats your horror story when it comes to models getting destroyed?