I like Apocalypse - a lot. Seeing the new Lord of Battles / Deathdealer kit finally got me to do something I've always wanted to do: build a Daemon Engine army in service to the mighty Blood God. I've always liked the various engines since the days of Epic, and love titans, so it's a natural fit. It also means that I can focus on making lots of individual units but still have a (kinda) fieldable army.

First up to be finished is this Defilery thing:

According to my [URL="http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/khornate-name-generator-of-doom.html"]random name generator[/URL] it is now called Flesh Obliterator. It will eventually be crewed by a member of [URL="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/loudnraging/raging-heroes-the-toughest-girls-of-the-galaxy"]Raging Heroes Toughest Girls[/URL] (probably Jaheda, with Ash riding in something with more claws / buzzsaws), as all foot soldiers of this army shall be.

The thing behind it is the base of the Soul of Atrocity, a mighty Tower of Skulls:

Couple more pics and some more construction details [URL="http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com.au/"]on my blog[/URL].

Also to further this convocation of destruction the new Amon Amarth album got released today!