Quote Originally Posted by Hal View Post
Ok, but why exactly..?
It just says "in the shooting phase" and not "when you shoot, roll a d6...."
RAW i should be able to roll for all the serpents at the beginning of the shooting phase and see how many shots they get before shooting.
Is there any rule that counters this?

It does not say
"In THE Shooting Phase, the Wave Serpent can deactivate its Shields to shoot..."

It says
"In ITS Shooting Phase, the Wave Serpent can deactivate its Shields to shoot..."

Also, I don't know what you would hope to achieve by rolling for everything at once.
Let's follow your example even though the point is now moot...
Four Wave Serpents.
All deactivate their shields and roll for number of shots.
The first three Serpents shoot and destroy their imperative targets.
The fourth Serpent's shots now become somewhat redundant.
You take them anyhow, but it may have been more prudent to switch them off one at a time until targets are destroyed and then leave on the unused one.