Hey everyone, I have been playing wargames for the better part of a decade now. I was a big fan of Warhammer Fantasy in middle school then moved into WH40k in high school. I played Lizardmen Fantasy and rocked Imperial Guard in 40k. While I do love the large scale combat of GW games, and the conversion factors, I recently got a Hordes starter box from my girlfriend (best one ever), and am seriously liking the fast paced, ability ridden gameplay style over GW's slower larger format.

Now, the two armies that come with the set look amazing with what I can assume are opposite playstyles (Circle revering life and the Legion uncaring). As a new player to Privateer Press games, can you give me any tips or advice on which armies are good for what? I've read all the descriptions for the 6 Hordes armies, and am leaning towards a Circle army.

So here are my questions: How did you pick your Hordes army? What units should you start off with after choosing an army? If I was adamant on a certain playstyle, what are the playstyles of each Hordes faction?