Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
No, it's really not. You may also wish to look up what hyperbole is, on account it's not the expression of a conflicting opinion.

Malcador, being super heavy, is immune to shaken and stunned, and it can't be immobilised or have its weapons knackered. It can split fire over as many weapons as it has on the model. It's harder to glance to death. It also has an advantage in that it's easier to find cover for a single model than it is two, especially when it comes to tanks.

And let's expand the inclusion (as per original rumour) to include Baneblade and Co. Weapons get bigger, chassis gets tougher. Soaks up more, kills more. This is a massive advantage outside of Apocalypse. And such a game becomes 'kill the super heavy'. Which is dull.
Well who didn't look at when a post is dated...

The comparison was based on rules from the last edition of Apoc (Feb 2013), and the Malcador specifies in its rules that it can be immobilised on a 4+ on a penetrating hit before rolling on the damage table. All your comments make it quite clear that you know nothing about this unit other than that it is a superheavy.

It's chassis is weaker than the LBT, it is no longer than a LR and about half as wide, which you would know if you had actually seen one played.
The Malcador can easily be made to fit into 40K, it is far from being indestructible.

Your comments if not hyperbole, are the most ignorant set of exaggerations that have more common place on whineseer than BoLS.

As has been stated, the tank would be fine if it lost the superheavy rules of Apoc, your whine that it is a superheavy (when even forgeworld has it in normal and superheavy sections) is nonsensical, probably due to having tailored your list as vehicles suck in 6th herp derp