I made it a mission to collect all the old pdfs of rules for Warhammer before they were lost forever, whem GW OZ went corporate. I have a nice Library and if people want copies they can PM me with their Email address. If you have any official GW pdfs that aren't on the list please let me know.

Bilbo's Warhammer PDF's

Albion (Dark Emissary, Fen Beast, Truth Sayers)
Dark Shadows

Bretonnians (Ravening Hordes RH-12)
Errantry War (SOC)

Archaon's Horde (SOC)
Beastmen (Ravening Hordes RH-04)
Beasts of Chaos Skirmish Scenarios
Chaos Mutations
Chaos Warriors (Ravening Hordes (RH-03)
Daemon Host (Ravening Hordes RH-02)
Daemonic Legion (SOC)
Giant Chaos Spawn (Forge World)
Giant Spined Chaos Beast (Forge World)
Great Chaos Dragon (Forge World)
Harry the Hammer
War Mammoth (Forge World)

Chaos Dwarfs
Chaos Dwarfs (Ravening Hordes (RH-13)

Dark Elf
Beastlord Rakarth of Karond Kar
Cult of Slaanesh (SOC)
Crone Hellebron, The Hag Queen
Dark Elves (Ravening Hordes (RH-10)
Kouran, Captain of the Black Guard
Shadowblade, Master of Assassins
Tullaris of Har Ganeth
War Hydras of Naggaroth

Dogs of War
Cursed Company
Dogs of War FAQ (Direwolf)
Dogs of War Reference Sheet
Gotrek and Felix
Menghils Manflayers
Regiment of Renowned Part 1 (Dogs of War Army List)
Regiment of Renowned Part 2 (Regiments of Renown)
Regiment of Renowned Reference Sheet
Special Characters
Witch Hunters

Death Roller (Trial Rules)
Dwarf (Ravening Hordes RH-07)
Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin (SOC)
War of the Beard (8 pdfs)

Cult of Ulric
Empire (Ravening Hordes RH-02)
Middenland (SOC)

High Elf
Alarielle, Everqueen of Averlorn
Eltharion the Grim
Handmaidens of the Everqueen
High Elves (Ravening Hordes RH-09)
Korhil, Hunter Captain of the White Lions
Sea Patrol (SOC)

Lizardmen (Ravening Hordes RH-08)
Lizardmen (Warhammer Chronicles)
Red Host of Tehenhauin
Sacred Hosts

Ogre Kingdoms
Gut Olympics
Rhinox Riders

Orcs and Goblins
Grimgor's 'Ard Boyz (SOC)
Orcs and Goblins (Ravening Hordes RH-01)

Bubonic Court of Nurglitch
Clan Eshin (SOC)
Hell Pit Army (Warhammer Chronicles)
Skaven (Ravening Hordes RH-04)
Skaven Special Characters
Warpstone Rat Tank
Warpstone (Skaven Civil War) 6 pdfs

Tomb Kings
Tomb Kings of Khemri (Ravening Hordes (RH-05)

Vampire Counts
Heinrich Kemmler
Sylvania (SOC)
Vampire Counts (Ravening Hordes RH-06)
Von Carsteins
Zombie Pirates

Wood Elf
Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren
Skaw the Falconer
Wood Elves (Ravening Hordes RH-11)
Wood Elves (Warhammer Chronicles)

Base Size-Unit Strength 2003
Base Size-Unit Strength 2009 (French)
Chariot Races
Dark Elf Garrison City
Giant Bash
GW Citadel Bitz 2009
GW Citadel Collectors 2009
GW Citadel Specialist Games 2009
Magic Sheet 1 and 2 (Lores of Magic)
Pit Fighter (Mordheim)
Warhammer in a Flash
Warhammer Legendary Battles
Warhammer Siege
Warhammer Skirmish
Warhammer Warbands
Warhammer Warbands Volume 2

Bretonnia FAQ May 2008
Chaos Dwarf FAQ
Daemons of Chaos FAQ 2008
Dark Elves FAQ January 2009
Dogs of War Reference Chart
Dwarf FAQ February 2008
Empire FAQ May 2008
High Elves FAQ October 2008
Ogre Kingdoms FAQ February 2008
Orcs and Goblins FAQ February 2008
Regiment of Renowned Reference Chart
Skaven FAQ February 2008
Tomb Kings FAQ February 2008
Vampire Counts May 2008
Warhammer FAQ February 2008
Warhammer FAQ Part 2 January 2009
Warhammer Grand Tournament 2006
Wood Elves May 2008

Unofficial Lists
Chaos Dwarfs
Norse - Mark T. Harter
Norse 2 - Danny Whitehouse
Norse Mountain Clans
Pirates of Sartosa

Unofficial Units and Characters
Halfling Chef
Hashut Doom Launcher
Hendrick Tuffle and his Dawg Riders
Merradoc Longbottom and the Knights of the Moot
Thurak Grimluson