army paint sceme
Naggaroth Night for the skin of all the units
Balthasar gold for metal parts of their weapons
Abadon black for the magical parts of spells or weapons
Tongues are Kantor Blue
Eyes are Abadon black with Khorne Red
Teeth and bones are Ceramite White with Druchii Violet Shade
Still wondering what colour to use for the mounts skin

Unit consists of
1 daemon prince of tzeentch
18 horrors
16 Blood letters
7 plague drones
12 seekers of slaanesh

The idea is the daemon prince is "borrowing" the powers of the warp from each the chaos god mostly loyal to tzeentch
but i am not sure what to put on the flag at the moment its just Abadon black with a the frames of what its mounted too in Balthasar gold.