Quote Originally Posted by Blackadder View Post
My remarks regarding the PR movie were meant primarily to amuse; I actually found the technical scenes and the human interaction plausible and informative. The anime-like action scenes not so much; it was just too unbelievable but that's just me, I require a modicum of credibility in the movies for me to enjoy them.

The biggest problem with Pacific Rim is the time period in which this is all suppose to happen. Right now western civilization is edging close to the death throes of its existence. I see acceptance of mediocrity, indolence and outright parsimony and corruption de rigueur.

I found most unbelievable Guillermo del Toro's Pollyannaism that our Western Democracies would have the wherewithal to meet any of the real world challenges present today and triumph let alone one of the magnitude presented in the movie. The real threat to civilization surrounds us every day and is readily apparent to those who bother to look.

Whoa! ease up Blackadder (smiley face)
I never said it was bad movie, just over hyped . The current state of our civilization is pretty depressing but we can improve it, one step at a time.

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