Hi all,
My flatmate managed to get a copy of the nid codex early. I managed to pry it of him while he's gone to work.

-I can confirm there is no transport bug
-Points reductions pretty much as rumored on most big bugs
-No Yamgarl Stealers - There is a Yamgarl Bio Artifact but not for use on Gene Stealer
-No Spore as rumored
-No access to main rule book psychic powers as far as I can tell
-Gene Stealers largely unchanged so pretty much destined to sit on the shelf
-Biovores look to be slightly cheaper and far more effective
-Flesh hooks are available to Warriors & Shrikes - So can swing at initiative when charging into cover

Sorry not going to give any points values and not overly familiar with the current dex but will do my best to answer questions for the next couple of hours

I'll try post a couple of pictures showing the new Bio Artifacts and Psychic powers when I can get my phone to talk to my laptop - might have to try a reboot fist.