Okay so trying to look at this from all parties and all angles. To Gm or not to have a Gm in a campaign that is both narrative and map based. I'm sure some of you are scratching your heads and saying what is he talking about. So here is what i am getting out. The campaign will be played in 3 fronts. it's meant to functrion this way to give people a break as well as a chance to build and paint up new forces or to adapt and change. Lets face it no one wants to constantly loose a campaign every single time. but there will be winners and their will be losers thats just a fact.

So what are the 3 facets of the campaign well for starters there is a 40k element that will be fought out over a campaign map. each planet will have its own representation with in each sector. So you will have a familiar map between the might empires tiles and the 40k ones as well.

Battlefleet gothic is the 2nd part of the campaign. before you take a city let alone a planet you have to get there. So to represent this there is a gothic component to the campaign where you'll defend and attack planets and sectors.

The 3rd facet is a roleplaying component. so while you might be part of the ever growing waagh trying to conquer a specific planet or system in the RP aspet you'll be on the imperial side wether in control of a guardsmen if playing total war or a space marine in a death wath senerio or even part of an inquisitorial warband sent to ensure the campaigns completion.

With so many moving parts and complexety to the campaign i am strongly looking at it as having need of a Gm but once that starts then you really loose out on a player. the gothic stuff is an easy sell as well as the 40k component and honestly the group would be okay floating through Gm's for the RP portion i'm just wondering if i am deluding myself into thinking that this will work with out someone guiding everything and making sure everyone writes down what they gained or lost as well as making sure that any book keeping is completed.

So have at is BOLS crew!