So, after I watching some reviews of the new tyranids codex and then having read it myself my heart sank. It was like a tyranid invasion where my feelings of despair and horror kept getting worse after each page I turned. Now it has to be said that the codex just came out and still has to be tested thoroughly to really give a good judgement, but you don't have to be a rocketscientist to know that removing units things from the codex (ie the doom), nerfing, limiting options as a means to balance, really isn't a good way to make an army fun to play. The tyranids really needed a boost and I think what they got is a kick in the teeth instead. In my opinion we won't be seeing much of them in the tournament setting and many a casual nids player will just sigh as they put away their spore pods and doom to collect dust on that wooden shelf of broken dreams.

I am a fervent orks player. It was the first army I played in both fantasy and 40k and I absolutely LOVE them. In 40k they currently are one of the last books to receive an update for the new edition. I was anxiously awaiting this up because they too, even though I think they can really hold their own with the current codex, could use a boost. But now I am dreading the new codex because of the complete and utter nutering of each and every tyranid's toxin sac. Oh god please do not do to the orks the same lazy and uninspired writing that you did to the nids...

What do you guys think? Will the ork codex be ruined and shunned? Will ork players cry as riptides and wraithknights high five? Or will we see GW redeem itself by delivering a inspiring, innovating codex that challenges ork players with tough decisions, worthwile units, and just a great feeling and a hearty whaaaagh! in the the throat of every greenskin?