Why is it that mahreen get the first data sheet that follows the nid codex, It should have been a Tyranid sheet or Eldar or IG. Tyranid Vet should have been done with the mahreen codex.

But at least one can hope that GW will release something nice for nid players for a change, some time soon with luck.

I guess I am getting frustrated knowing that IG will be updated this edition (and probably soon) and wanting to know whether or not the ideas for my army will work out. I am thinking of buying some Salamanders (the IG vehicle), but don't see the point with a codex expected to drop some time fairly soon (probably sooner that it will take for me to put together and paint the Salamanders), and add to that wanting to know if the Malcador has been rolled in (one can hope, nothing said can change that).

And now I think I am going to have to tidy up because I want to paint something up... so much for a chilled weekend.