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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boston, MA or Athens, Greece

    Default Stellan Hoplites vs. Khorne Berzerkers 1750

    The Stellans: 1665

    Rules for the Stellans can be found at the link in my sig or on the Homegrown Rules Board.

    HQ - Lord Inquisitor Corydon (CC specialist and buffer unit)


    - Deadstar Squad (All Plasmaguns, All the time)
    ---w/ Sunfury Elite (Twin-linkage)
    ---w/ Assasins (can target ICs)

    - 1 Dino Servitor Destroyers (living tank, literally a close combat beast)


    Stellan Storm Troopers (Veterans in Carapace with 6+ Feel No Pain and WS 4)

    --Squad Alpha
    w/ Adrastus Sun (CC upgrade character and buffer)
    w/ 3 meltaguns
    w/ sarge w/ rapier, plasma pistol
    w/ Honor Guard (+1 Attack)
    w/ Marksmen (Rending Lascarbines)

    in Land Raider

    --Squad Beta
    w/ 3 meltaguns
    w/ sarge w/ claymore, plasma pistol
    w/ Honor Guard
    w/ Marksmen

    in Chimera

    --Squad Gamma
    w/ 3 plasmaguns
    w/ sarge w/ power fist, plasma pistol
    w/ Demolitions

    in Chimera

    Chaos Space Marines: ~ 1750

    Deamon Prince w/ Wings, Mark of Khorne

    Chaos Lord w/ MoK and Daemon Weapon

    4 x 10 man Berzerker Squads(one has 9 guys + Lord) in Rhinos


    Predator w/ Tri-Lascannons

    Board is dense with cityfight terrain arrange to look like an urban battlefield with narrow streets.

    The game is Kill Points/Pitched Battle

    He wins the roll and decides to go first. As expected he utilizes the full 12" of his deployment zone to get closer to me.

    In response I try to bunch my Stellans up on the left side of the table trying to minimize the impact of his rhino rush.



    - DP flies towards me, he is closest to my edge

    - Rhinos all move 12" in my direction, they do not pop smoke as terrain is adequate to give them cover

    -Dreadnought goes crazy and runs forward

    - Predator moves 12" sideways redeploying to get a clear shot next turn.


    - My Land Raider moves 6" and gets a clear shot at the lead rhino, it immobilizes it

    - My Chimeras shuffle around. Im trying to predict which of the remaining mobile rhinos will reach me first now that the one with the Lord in it is Immobilized.

    - Somewhere in orbit my Dead Star squad is looking at their chrons and shaking their heads

    -Dino Servitor moves toward the stationary rhino hugging terrain for a cover save.



    - Chaos Lord and his goons get out and move/run towards me 10 inches or so - they will be in assault range of the Land Raider next turn.

    - Rhino repairs itself!

    - Dreadnought goes crazy again and runs forward. It is still about 20" away from my guys.

    - Other Rhinos go 12" and pop smoke. The nearest one is right next to the Chaos Lord's squad - in assault range of forward most Chimera next turn.

    - DP assaults the Dino Servitor dishing out two wounds. DS puts two wounds on the DP. Tie combat

    - Predator wrecks Gamma Squad's Chimera, they lose one guy and consider being pinned but pass on it.

    Stellans! Make me Proud:

    - Deadstar squad arrives and makes a daring Deep Strike right in the middle of the action. They hit their mark and target the Chaos Lord vaporizing him in a rain of plasma. Suicide squads for the win.

    - Inquisitor and Squad Alpha disembark from the Land Raider and prepare to charge the Chaos Lord's squad. In assault they wipe them out with no casualties.

    - Land Raider stuns two incoming rhinos

    -Gamma squad's shooting takes a hideous toll on the disembarked Berzerker squad. 4 crazy marines remain.

    - Remaining Chimera goes 12" and pops smoke.

    -DP kills the Dino Servitor



    - Dreadnought goes crazy again! He's still running towards me.

    - Predator shoots at my remaining Chimera but I make my cover saves

    - 30 Berzerkers disembark. 20 of them charge the Inquisitor and his squad wiping the squad out and Leaving the Inquisitor with 2 wounds. Corydon kills three. Wow I really misjudged that distance.

    - 10 Berzerkers charge the fast Chimera but only stun it.

    - DP charges the Deadstar squad but in a epic display they slay it with only one casualty. For the Lady! For the Emperor!

    Stellans! Rally!

    - Squad Beta disembarks from the last chimera and together with fire support from the Deadstars manage to kill all but the Champion of the squad that was chasing their ride. They assault the last guy and kill him.

    - Squad gamma tosses a demo charge at a Rhino but scatters 8" right into the Zerker/Inquisitor combat. 9!!! Berzerkers are killed in the blast but sadly the Inquistor also falls prey to his men's folly. The remaining squad of 8 Berzerkers consolidate closer to the Deadstar squad.

    - Land Raider is a study in epic failure and fails to penetrate the rhino right in front of it. twice.



    - The 8 surviving Berzerkers charge the Deadstar squad. The Deadstar die valiantly.

    - The Dreadnought rolls fire frenzy and blows up a friendly rhino. Man that guy is angry.

    - Predator blows up the last Chimera that has eluded it all game so far. The blast kills 2 guys from squad Beta.

    - Rhinos do their best to quit the field in the hopes that they won't give up any more kill points.


    - Squads Beta and Gamma combine fire leaving the Berzerker squad with one guy. damn! Beta is just out of assault range. DAMN!

    - Land Raider stuns or shakes the Dread. A fact the Dreadnought promptly ignores.



    - Lone Berzerker shoots at Beta killing one guy. He then charges them killing two. They fail to kill him, fail their leadership despite being stubborn and he routes them. I consider the merits of holding all of them over a low flame for 10 mins or so.

    - Dreadnought charges the Land Raider Immobilizing it.

    - Predator twiddles it's thumbs


    - Squad Gamma wrecks the Dread with their plasma fire losing 2 guys to overheats.

    My opponent rolls a 1 and the game ends

    The score: Stellans: 7 Khorne: 7 game is draw

    Overall a close game that easily could have gone one way or another with a small differences in rolling. I did feel my Stellans were pretty effective but it'll take more than the 4 or so games I've played with this list to figure out if their points need re-evalutation. I really did feel the points handicap, especially in the early game where it looked as if I was going to be swept away and possibly tabled. As it stands if the Dread hadn't got road rage I would have lost.

    MVP: As always, the Deadstar get this award. They killed the Chaos Lord and the Daemon Prince.

    Storm Cloud Sticker: That damned Land Raider. The crew will be sent to penal camps on the nearest deathworld for retraining under the watchful eyes of the Inquisitor's staff.

    Thanks for Reading.
    Last edited by Atrotos; 12-02-2009 at 08:44 AM.
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