Hey guys, had a few thoughts last night while I was at work.

First, Ezaviel, after considering it yeah, making 'indescribable horror' nullify two special rules is silly. I guess it'll just remain unchanged as honestly I can't think of a way to improve on it that isn't broken. Secondly, with a lictors LD yes it might be a bit much to completely remove their IB, it does give them a risk/reward factor for scouting them ahead out of synapse and they are unlikely to have a brainfart.

The Deathleaper though, totally doesn't fit to have it, so I'm still stripping it from him.

I've been thinking on the Trygons Bio Electric pulse. Just slapping haywire on it essentially means all it has to do is look at a tank at a funny, and while I like the idea that it's a deepstriking antitank a Trygons pretty scary antitank in it's own right.

Instead I'm thinking keep it's original statline S5 AP5 but add the following, 'Overload: On a roll of 6 to hit add the Haywire effect'. This forces a choice between frying troops, or going for the gamble of shaving off hullpoints instead of a guaranteed dead tank when a trygon prime sneezes at it.

Schmidt and Daboarder, thanks for the idea for improving the Haruspex, this one though I bet will get nerfed back to a slow and steady 6 a turn movement. I am going to increase the big guys points by 20. 5pts for each stat adjustment and 10 for the speed alone to justify this.

Also I like the idea of calling scything talons special roll 'Flurry', makes sense and a conjures cinematic images. I'm not entirely sure the Drool cannon needs Fleshbane at S6, Armorbane however makes sense. I am liking the idea of the cannon having two profiles, one for skyfire and one for ground targets. May need a point adjustment for this ontop of improving it's T and SV.

Anggul and Robert, while personally I like the random nature of how the tervigon works I did think of a way that might fix it for you two. When the tervigon is purchased you purchase gant larva at 4pts a piece to, lets say for giggles a max of 30. When the tervigon spawns it must produce a max of 10 a turn, side effects still apply, but the tervigon may sacrifice a wound to spawn an additional 10 that turn until it's larva is exhausted.

Anyway, that's all for now, thanks again for the help with this guys.