Quote Originally Posted by HsojVvad View Post
It's not Power Players. What you call Power Players, I call people who need to win with Toy soldiers. At least TauBoss played them before they got their new codex. To me that is someone who plays what he loves. People who go to Tournaments and play Tau or Eldar in most cases are Grown Men who need to win with plastic Toy soldiers, because I bet they didn't play them in 5th edition, or didn't play them in 6th edition before their new codex.
A true Eldar player really ought to arrange to enter a tournament, then drop out at the last minute suggesting that someone takes in a horde of Orks in their place to smash up those pesky marines.

In fact, I'm going to claim that was my plan all along in the tournament the other day... the careful manipulations of victory points in games I played was all part of a larger plan to sow the seeds to pit the Imperium against itself with Grey Knights vs Space Wolves, saving thousands of Eldar lives in the process. I came 3rd you say? I think you Mon-keh fail to understand that really, I won