So, I've been looking into Battle Fleet Gothic, and I'm kind of inclined to play Chaos because I play chaos in 40k and I like a fair portion of the Chaos fleet. I recently found, though, the Activated Blackstone Fortress rules, and I just think it's awesome. It's exactly the sort of ship I'd want to play, but I don't have a good sense of the game, and I have no idea whether it's generally considered to be fair. So, setting aside, for the moment, the issue of whether it's acceptable in terms of the fluff (I understand that only a couple have ever been activated and that all the activated ones belong pretty exclusively to Abbadon, and that, though there are presumably more of them out there, they're super-rare and probably shouldn't generally be showing up in games) I have two questions:

Do you think that the Activated Blackstone Fortress is good enough to be worth 750 points? Can it compete with a 750 point fleet? Is it worth playing as a portion of a larger fleet, say 1500 points or so?

Do you think that the Activated Blackstone Fortress is too powerful to really be fair? Would you object to playing against it on the basis of its rules alone?

Let me know what you think.